China Inspection Online is the only official website in non-destructive inspection industry that approved by national related departments. With the coming of e-commerce age, it effectively integrates resources of Chinese non-destructive inspection market, fills up the internet platform blank that existed in domestic NDT industry, which also indicate the coming of e-commerce age of Chinese NDT industry.
; ;中檢在線致力于服務行業內企業及人員,將行業內雜亂的資源進行有效的整合集中,在傳統行業市場經濟形式的基礎上進行更加新穎,更受大眾歡迎的創新,打造中國無損檢測行業正規的互聯網電子商務平臺,將“供”與“求”健康**的結合起來,使無損檢測行業相關的企業及人才在未來的市場上更具競爭力。
; ; ;China Inspection Online devotes to serve enterprises and personnel in this industry, conducts effective integration of scrambled resources. This is a novelty on the basis of traditional industrial market economic type which may become more popular in public. This normal e-commerce platform in Chinese NDT industry combines “supply” and ”Provide” that makes enterprises and personnel in NDT industry more competitive in the future market.
; ; ;中檢在線為廣大有無損檢測需求的企業及個人提供一個正規,**,穩定的平臺,所有企業及個人可以在平臺上將海量資源進行對比,在很大程度上節省了企業的運營成本,這樣也給行業內的企業提供了很多的客戶資源,在這里您可以實現“供”與“求”**的對接,從材料設備到工程承接,企業間可任意進行交流洽談,為企業很大程度上節省了營銷費用,節省了時間,提高了效率,增加了合作機會,提升了企業的收益,行業內所有資源實現**的傳播及利用。
; ; ;China Inspection Online provides a standard, efficiency and stable platform for various enterprises and person who has needs for NDT. All enterprises and single person can make a com