For over 75 years, Daramic LLC has led the way in developing new and innovative technology for the lead acid battery market. As a business unit of Polypore, Inc.—with headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina USA—Daramic today supplies more than 50% of the world’s demand for high performance Polyethylene battery separators to the Lead-acid battery industry.
As a global leader, Daramic operates nine manufacturing facilities. Each facility is strategically located to ensure continuity of supply, short lead times and fast service. In the USA, our plants in Owensboro, Kentucky, Piney Flats, TN and Corydon, Indiana serve North, Central and South America. Our facilities in Selestat, France, Norderstedt, Germany and Feistritz, Austria serve our European customers. And our plants in Tianjin, China, Prachinburi, Thailand and Bangalore, India serve the Asia / Pacific region.
Daramic is committed to delivering unsurpassed expertise in advanced battery separator technology. Our Center of Innovation in Owensboro, Kentucky is the central hub for our scientists, industry experts, and service technicians. In addition, regional technical centers in Selestat, France and Prachinburi, Thailand provide local service and support. Our team of skilled industry experts, combined with state-of-the-art product development, material analysis, pilot manufacturing and testing facilities, can serve as an extended resource for your technical team. Whether it’s designing a new battery separator, customizing products to meet specific needs, or providing assistance with field support, Daramic’s Center of Innovation is available to you.
In order to consolidate its leading position in China, Daramic recently signed a JV Agreement with the largest local Lead Acid Battery manufacturer, Camel Hubei. The JV company – Daramic Xiangfan Battery Separator Co., Ltd. will be located on Camel’s site in Xiangfan – Hubei, and the capacity which is expected to come online by early 2012, will serve Camel’s PE Separators requirements. Our joint venture with Camel not only strengthens our relationship with a leading battery producer in China but it also positions Daramic to capture a significant portion of this growing market. To better serve the local market, the newly formed joint venture company intends to build a facility with two production lines, representing 35 M sqm of capacity, in a two-step process. With three manufacturing plants in three countries, Daramic is well positioned in Asia and is the largest regional battery separator manufacturer.
All told, our global infrastructure, localized manufacturing and industry-leading technical service and support provide our customers with peace of mind—knowing that Daramic is there to meet their needs with high performance products and the best value in the industry.
More information, please access to: daramic
作為行業領導者,戴瑞米克公司目前在**擁有九家制造工廠。為了確保產品供應的持續性,縮短交期及快速向客戶提供服務,我們每家工廠的位置都具有戰略意義。在美國,我們在肯塔基州的Owensboro、印第安那州的Corydon以及Piney Flats的工廠面向北美洲、中美洲和南美洲的客戶服務。我們位于法國Selestat、德國Norderstedt及奧地利Feistritz的工廠則服務于歐洲的客戶。另外,我們在中國天津、泰國Prachinburi和印度Bangalore的工廠則服務于整個亞太地區。
戴瑞米克公司還致力向蓄電池隔板技術領域提供卓越的技術方案。公司位于肯塔基州Owensboro的“創新中心”匯集了我們隔板領域的科學家、行業和服務技術人員。此外位于法國Selestat和泰國Prachinburi的區域技術中心同時為區域客戶提供服務和支持。憑借我們技術嫻熟的行業,匯同標志著隔板行業科技發展動態的新品開發、材料分析、產品試制和測試設施 - 我們可以向您的技術團隊提供廣泛和延伸的的技術資源。無論是設計新的電池隔板,以滿足您的特定需要而定制產品,還是提供現場支持,戴瑞米克的“創新中心”都可以為您提供服務。