東臺富安環美木業有限公司是美國COUNTRYWIDE HAND WOODFLOOR INC(全美地面材料設計公司)的中國子工廠。集團公司所出品的Naturally -aged-flooring“奈菲特”手工仿古地板已有25年歷史,一直以來在北美地區的多層實木地板中,以其經典、時尚及先進的行銷理念著稱。年銷售額8000萬美元,在美國中高檔木地板領域中具有地位。目前,我們在上海設立亞太區辦事處,開始服務于中國大陸房地產商和其他中客戶,歡迎有志之士加盟我們,共同成長。
工廠網站:agedfloor 上海辦事處地址:上海市徐匯區中山西路1878弄凱托大廈1號樓1103室(近宜山路)
Company profile
Dontai Fuan Universal Dynamics, LLC is the Chinese factory of Countrywide Hand Woodfloor Inc( an American ground material design company) For over 25 years, the company’s handmade floor with ancient style, known as Naifeite, has enjoyed a very good reputation in multi-layer solid wood floor market in North America because of its classic, stylish design and advanced marketing concept. With a revenue of 80 million U.S.D dollars, the company is definitely one of the top players in mid and high end floor market in America
Inheriting the classic American style of furniture design, Naifeite brings the very authentic American life style to China. Its four series, including American Nostalgic, American Classic, American Countryside, and American Simple, are characterized by their beautiful lines, authentic design, simple style, and rich connotation.
Therefore, Naifeite’s unique craft and style will definitely give Chinese customers a perfect life experience.
Naturally agedflooring