法蘭美化妝品(珠海)有限公司,是一家專業從事彩妝系列產品開發、生產、銷售、服務為一體的外商獨資企業。法蘭美創化妝品(珠海)有限公司有七大品牌EXCLUSIUE、KOLORIS、ROSE DE NUIT、SHEILA,諾雅諾茜,詩莎娜,索菲歐,100多個款式,在國外銷售超過12年。公司生產基地位于浪漫的海濱城市——珠海,坐落于環境舒適的珠海南屏科技園,擁有現代化的廠房,配備了先進的生產和檢測設備。各車間均采用紫外線空氣凈化消**系統,產品符合國家質量、衛生檢驗標準,并已獲得美國FDA認證。公司擁有雄厚的生產技術力量,并與意大利、韓國、日本、香港、等國家及地區展開廣泛的技術合作,同時引進“綠色**8226;天然**8226;健康”低敏感型的科學**,精心選擇進口優質原料,結合東、西方國家的設計理念,每季均推出有引導時代潮流的新品。目前,公司開發產品近40種,包括口紅、唇彩、睫毛膏、眼影、眼影蜜、腮紅、粉餅、粉底液、卸妝液、保養護膚用品、彩妝原料及美容修飾工具等等。產品遠銷美國、歐盟、俄羅斯等國家及中東地區。無論是細膩柔軟的粉飾、豐盈動感的唇妝,還是嫵媚明艷的眼妝,都傾心為高貴愛美人士賦予更時尚的氣息,并綻放出迷人的光彩,宛如閃亮的明星!本公司誠征全國各地區代理商、經銷商、加盟商。我們愿以一片真情同每一個真誠合作者攜手共進 ,創造現代**生活品味及前衛文化,讓未來的道路更寬廣! Vallee de Roses cosmetics (Zhuhai) Co. Ltd. is a foreign-invested enterprise in a business of product development, manufacturing, sales, and service in professional make-up series. The factory is located in a romantic environment in Nanping Science and Technology Park in Zhuhai City, equipped with modern and advanced equipment for production and testing. Our workshop is using UV-filter disinfection system; products are in conformity with national quality, health & sanitary standard and American FDA certificate. The company has a big production capacity and cooperates with Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and other countries in implementing new technology, and adopting “Green, Natural, Healthy”, hypo-allergic scientific formula; carefully selecting high-quality imported raw materials, and combining Eastern-Western countries’ concepts, promoting new products of every season that will be the trendsetter in the cosmetics industry. Up to now, we have been innovating no less than 40 products, including lipstick, lip gloss, eye shadow, and cream eye shadow, blush-on, face powder, foundation etc. Products are exported to USA, European Union, Russia and other Middle East countries. From a soft delicate powder, **y appealing lips make-up to charming and attractive eye make-up, we are dedicating our products to noble women, who know how to appreciate themselves, guiding them to expose their own beauty to be a star! The company sincerely invites agents, distributors, franchiser to join the business and also welcomes OEM processing, ODM development, designing and planning cooperation. We are genuinely willing to work together with good faith, creating cultural and modern life-style, broaden our pathway to the future.