About Beau Village Tourism Development Company Limited (“BVT”)?As a tourism real estate development consultant, owner and operator, BVT strives to provide guests with enjoyable and memorable travel experiences, short leisure trips, and regional tours.BVT is entitled to develop the resort project in China under the brands of Sunparks Resort Parks and Pierre & Vacances Resorts, two well-established brands that have been used in operation in Europe for 50 years. Currently there are approximately 300 branded properties in operation around the world.?BVT plans to launch a myriad of projects in the coming years that will firmly establish it as Asia’s premium name in family holiday offerings. A specific focus will be placed on the development of sustainable strategies that closely integrate social development and eco-protection initiatives with unforgettable recreational experiences.關于法麗鄉村旅游發展有限公司 (“法麗鄉旅“)法麗鄉旅將打造集旅游地產的開發咨詢、度假村與度假公寓的所有者、經營者與管理者等角色于一身的綜合集團,全面開拓及提升中國家庭短途休閑度假及全域旅游的綜合體驗。法麗鄉旅擁有“太陽季度假樂園”(Sunparks) 以及“石頭季度假村”(Pierre & Vacances) 兩大品牌在國內的開發權,該兩大品牌分別為植根于歐洲五十年的成熟品牌。目前在**有近300家以該等品牌命名的、已開業的度假產品。法麗鄉旅計劃在未來幾年內陸續落地眾多項目,在環境與城市發展之間不斷尋求可持續發展戰略,將社會發展、生態保護與休閑體驗緊密結合,打造亞洲親子及家庭度假的品牌。