mattel (hk) ltd. was originally established as a hong kong manufacturing operation, but in the mid 1980s transitioned to a processing trade relationship with the china government, and now operates two plants in guangdong province china from its administrative headquarters in shaukeiwan, hong kong. one in chang an, dongguan, and the other in guanyao, nanhai. the plants are both approximately 300,000 sq. ft in size, each employs 8,000 direct workers and run productions with just-in-time manufacturing of fashion dolls (barbie) and other products. we produce approximately 80 million doll units per year representing over 65% of mattel''s core brand doll fashion doll worldwide volume. in 2002, with the implementation of supply chain strategy and upgraded iso9001:2000 quality system, we achieved dual objectives of further enhancing our service level to customer and improving our operation cost and efficiency. .our strategies:.* improve execution of the existing toy business .* globalize the brands .* extend the brands .* catch the new trends .* develop people .our vision: .the world primer toy brands .- - - - - - - - - - -today and tomorrow .美泰玩具(香港)公司是一家以生產世界知名品牌芭芘娃娃為主導產品的外資公司,總部設在美國,系全世界大的玩具生產商。評為全美500強企業之一。.公司擁有一套良好的人才激勵制度與培訓發展制度,任何雇員都可因為工作需要參加相應的內部或外部培訓。.公司主要福利: .1.按國家規定購買社會保險,同時公司還額外為員工購買商業保險、住房公積金等; .2.宿舍內配有空調、電視和洗衣機、乒乓球臺、臺球等多娛樂設施; .3.廠內配有較大型的健身房、圖書館、康樂室、歌舞廳,錄像廳等; .4.免費提供膳食; 若公司不能提供宿舍, 公司將按照工作級別提供相應的住房補助; .5.員工可享受多種有薪假期:年休假、婚假、有薪病假、產假、陪產假、喪假等; .6.年底可享受雙薪; .7.員工子女讀大學有機會取得美泰環球獎學金; .8.周末公司有車送員工返回廣州、東莞、深圳,.公司網站 : mattel