佛山市順德區高斯美潔具有限公司是一家中西(西班牙)港合資公司, 成立于2004年8月, 位于順德高新區(容桂)科苑三路18號, 主要出口高檔浴室潔具. 西班牙總部有著超過二十年的潔具開發和生產經驗. 我們致力于研究和開發外觀新穎并具有歐洲優級質量標準的浴室潔具產品. .cosmic was established in barcelona in 1985. twenty years later, it has more than 1500 points of sales distributed in spain and worldwide.this international expansion involves the fact that a third part of cosmic manufacturing is intended for the foreign market, mainly france, italy, portugal, germany, great britain, japan and the united states of america.