雄輝五金制品廠位于中國鋁材基地--佛山市?! ”緩S創建于1997年,占地面積10,000多平方米。是一家鋁制品生產廠家。致力于為客戶提供高品質的電視機套件、汽車功放外殼、功放面板、功放散熱器、DVD面板等電子用鋁合金制品。 本廠是一家集開發、生產、銷售于一體的現代化企業。本廠技術力量雄厚,管理科學嚴謹,擁有一批高素質的技術人才、良好的生產設備,集模具制造、數控CNC、沖壓、拉絲、噴砂、氧化著色、絲印于一體。具有強大的研制、開發、生產能力。產品設計新穎、質量穩定可靠。在不斷的采用新技術、新工藝、新材料去開發新產品的同時,也在不斷提高產品品質。 我們以誠懇的態度,積極創新的精神,為廣大客戶提供高品質的產品。 愿與您攜手合作,共創輝煌! 因版面有限,尚有大量新款產品未展示上網,熱忱歡迎廣大客戶致電0086-757-87381843 87381845 87381846 87381847垂詢! Company Profile: Xionghui Hardware Products Factory is located in Foshan-the aluminum base of China. The factory was founded in 1997, covering an area of more than 10, 000 square meters.It is a highly specialized aluminum products manufacturer and committed to providing customers with high quality automotive amplifier shell , Car Audio Amplifier Panel , Power amplifier radiator, DVD panel and other Electronic aluminium alloy products. The factory is a modern enterprise with a collection of R&D, manufacturing and marketing, which has powerful technical strength, scientific management, a number of highly qualified professional technical and managerial personnel and first-class production equipments of mould manufacturing, CNC control system, stamping , fiber-drawing, sand blasting, heat tinting and screen printing. The products are made with innovative product design and reliable quality. We are continuously adapting new technology, craftsmanship and new material to develop and improve our products. We provide our customers with high-quality products by our sincere attitude and innovative sprits. We wish to cooperate and work togatehr with you to create a brilliant future!