邁可博電子科技有限公司是美國SSI CABLE CORPORATION公司在華成立的生產經營微波射頻同軸電纜組件的高新技術企業。美國SSI CABLE CORPORATION公司位于美國華盛頓州,成立于1989年,擁有世界的微波射頻同軸電纜組件制造工藝和技術,主要從事各種微波射頻同軸電纜組件的生產和銷售,生產產品廣泛應用于**的航天、航空、雷達、導航、電子戰和通訊網絡等、民用微波射頻領域,客戶包括Alcatel(阿爾卡特)、Intel(英特爾)、ITT(美國國際電話電信公司)、Boeing(波音)、Lockheed Martin(洛克西德馬丁)、Loral Skynet(勞拉天網)、 Raytheon(雷神)、Rockwell Collins(羅克威爾?克林斯)等,是**領導性的微波射頻同軸電纜組件供應商。
邁可博電子科技有限公司的成立是美國的高技術與中國的低制造成本的結合,通過美國SSI CABLE CORPORATION公司在中國完善的市場營銷網絡,可以為**的微波射頻同軸電纜組件用戶提供高性能、低成本的產品解決方案。
MICable Inc. is a high-tech enterprise formed by SSI CABLE CORPORATION of the USA to manufacture and sell microwave co-axial cable assemblies. SSI CABLE CORPORATION has been manufacturing microwave co-axial cable assemblies since 1989 and is now a leading supplier of these items. Using innovative and up-to-date manufacturing techniques and technology, their products are widely applied in aircraft, radar, communication networks, and other applications. Customers of SSI include Alcatel, Intel, ITT, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Loral Skynet, Raytheon, Rockwell Collins, and others.
The establishment of MICable Inc. exhibits the ideal cooperation between US technology experience and China’s low manufacturing cost. Micable will provide high performance and low cost microwave co-axial cable assemblies for Chinese and global customers.