在塑料專利注冊100年后的法國ECOTA FRANCE TECHNOLOGIE ECOLOGIQUE SARL的ECOTA實驗室,一種運用速生生物資源為主,在短時間內可完全降解、高度安全無任何毒害、完全區別于傳統塑料和普通降解材料的新材料“ABDP”誕生。
“ECOBE”是ECOTA FRANCE TECHNOLOGIE ECOLOGIQUE SARL旗下品牌,獨家將ABDP技術運用于嬰幼兒用品、餐具和口腔潔具等消費品領域,“ECOBE”作為全世界安全材料的推廣者受到了**的關注。
“ECOBE”的產品在歐洲和北美通過了ASTM-D6400、 EN13432標準和美國FDA認證,在加拿大通過了政府指定檢測機構進行的空氣、土壤、水質等260多項近乎苛刻、挑剔的檢測……
From the day when Leo Breekeland registered the patent of Synthetic plastic on,a new contradiction between human development and Environmental Harmony took place, and the struggle became more and more intensive.
100 years after the plastic patent registered, in ECOTA labs of ECOTA FRANCE TECHNOLOGIE ECOLOGIQUE SARL, a new material ABDP was born, which is mainly produced by fast-growing plant starch, and they can be completely degraded in very short period without any toxic residue. This is totally different from conventional plastic and generic degraded plastic.
ECOBE is one brand affiliated to ECOTA FRANCE TECHNOLOGIE ECOLOGIQUE SARL. It apply ABDP material and technology to consumption market, such as baby products, tableware, and oral ware. As the promoter of the most safest material all over the world, ECOBE are attracting globle attention .
ECOBE products have passed ASTM-D6400 and EN13432 standards which are widely recognized in Europe and North America, and is FDA certified. They also pass more than 200 strict test indexes , including air, earth, water and so on, which is carried out by the Canadian Government-designated Testing Organization…
In China, ECOBE has passed the starch-based bio-film test performed by Supervision and Inspection Center of National Plastic Products; Biodegradable paper imitated material has got Outstanding Patent Award by China, and passed the QS certification by the National.
In 2011, with the successful registration of ECOBE in China, the company which has independent legal entity is set up in Shenzhen, and the production base in Hong Kong has started to supply products to Chinese Market, at the same time, the production base covering an area of 40 acres has laid a foundation in Shantou.
Talent: Emphasis on self-realization, people-oriented.
Benefits: Benefits-sharing, dedicated business, sharing value.
Passion: There is no Restriction, only difficulties that can be overcame.
Responsibility: Brave to take, for colleagues, for human being and for the environment.
Share: Listen, talk, teamwork.
Simplicity: Practice is more important than theory. Simplicity is more important than formality.