環富國際投行部 (亞洲·中國·廣東環富資產管理有限公司),是經國家工商局注冊一億元成立的大型跨國合作金融機構,同時也是跟美國有跨國合作的一家公司,公司總部位于天河區廣州國際金融中心IFC ,位于中國廣東廣州的城市中軸線上,其分部還有在天河北各大寫字樓,員工超過500人,是中國規模大的中國投行之一。主要任務為美國華爾街的投行部對中國華地區的資產管理和投資建設,對中國經濟的研討與調查,并將協助個人成長以及企業發展作為投行部的重要方針,涉及外企、私企、國企與政府帶紅頭文件的批文許可。雙休節假日,上班時間與美國國際市場交割階段分班上班!注重戶外交際活動與人才的學習培養。本公司從基層往高層管理都非常注重人才培養,著重培養人才出國深造!具體的信息咨詢中國華地區環富國際投行部。聯系負責部門-行政人事部
In Wall Street, has been in various markets with excellent execution and product areas, our chief strategist JACK analysis and technical analysis team led by its many years continue to promote inter-company team to success.
Global Wealth International Investment Banking (Guangdong Global Wealth Asset Management) is a one billion yuan (approx. USD $165 million) registered charter capital corporation with well established relationships in major United States Wall Street organizations. It is also important that we directly cooperate with local and foreign GIA certification agencies which makes us able to provide our customers with the most fresh, reliable and trustworthy information.
Our headquarters is located on 52th floor of the International Finance Center (IFC), the 13th world’s tallest in the most modern and business-convenient Zhujiang New Town district of Guangzhou. We are employing more than 500 well-educated and high-skilled professionals which makes us one of largest and most reliable investment companies in mainland China.
Our main tasks are to assist United States Wall Street investment banking corporations’ asset management and presence in mainland China and provide them with access to research data and discussions on China’s economy as well as personal wealth growth and enterprise development for foreign, private and state owned enterprises.