廣州市萬廚餐具金屬制品廠, 是一家集開發、制造、銷售為一體的綜合性企業。經過十幾年的發展,已具備較強的設計研發能力,擁有先進的模具加工中心和各名牌的鋅合金/不銹鋼材料,不斷設計出令廣大客戶的滿意產品。本公司產品遠銷海內外各大城市。廣州直銷中心:鋅合金玻璃果盤、不銹鋼西餐刀叉勺、鋅合金天鵝配果叉/咖啡勺、鋅合金煙灰缸、紅酒開瓶器、鋅合金酒具、鋅合金紙盒、鋅合金牙簽筒等等。
Guangzhou City kitchen utensils metal products factory, is a collection development, manufacturing, sales for the integrated enterprise. After ten years of development, has strong design and development capability, advanced mold processing center and the brand-name of zinc alloy / stainless steel material, the design of the majority of customers satisfied with the products. The company's products are sold both at home and abroad each big city. Direct sales center in Guangzhou: zinc alloy glass fruit plate, stainless steel knife and spoon food, zinc alloy Swan with fruit fork / coffee spoon, leather case / box wine, wine bottle opener, zinc alloy, zinc alloy ashtray tray, zinc alloy toothpick holder etc