佛山市金泰來鋁業有限公司是一家專門從事生產:民用建筑鋁材、工業異型鋁材、家具鋁材等各種鋁合金加工制品擠壓、開發、銷售各類高品質鋁型材為主業的經濟實體。公司設備先進、 配套齊全、技術力量雄厚。公司奉行“誠實守信,互補共贏”的理念,有較靈活的經營方針和一站式的服務方式,過硬的產品質量,優惠的產品價格是我們合作的基礎。客戶**、服務至上,我們恭候您的垂詢!
????Foshan Jintailai Aluminum CO.,LTD Covering an area of 430,000㎡, our company holds global updated production equipment and quality inspection system, the surface processing include series of aluminium profile that have been subject to the processes of mill finish, oxygenation, polishing, powder spraying, wood grain transfer, and used for such four majors fields as door and window, decoration and industry.