DAP (Discover Advantage & Potential) Business Consulting Co., Ltd comes from Canada. We are a consulting firm famous for providing tailored solutions for industries and enterprises. Our core business is sales and sales management skills tailored programs, professional trainers and training management development.
DAP ( Discover Advantage & Potential ) 企業顧問有限公司源于加拿大 ,是一間以幫助各行業企業提供量身定做解決方案而知名的咨詢公司。我們的核心業務是銷售技能和銷售管理系列課程量身定做,專業培訓師及培訓管理者發展。
In 2003 DAP set out our feet in China. With our international ideas and experience, we are having our business mushroom-bloomed. Our ultimate aim is mining potential and strengthening advantages. We believe that everybody has ocean-deep potential which is unpredictable, and everyone has advantages of different strengths which have not been fully discovered and made best use of. We come to help employers mining their employees' potential to the maximum so that each of them could give full play of their ability and better serve the business and achieve the maximization of corporate performance.
DAP于2003年進入中國, 秉承DAP在國外服務于企業的理念和經驗,在中國的業務得到迅速發展。“挖掘潛能、強化優勢”為我們的終宗旨,我們相信每個人的潛能都如大海一般深**測,每個人都有各自不同的優勢強項未被充分發現和善用,我們的目的就是幫助企業大化的挖掘員工的潛能,使每位員工的優勢得到更大的發揮和善用,從而更好的服務于企業并達到企業績效的大化。
DAP actively introduce the new elements into our program system, We cooperated with The Bob Pike Group (BPG) from United States of America, introducing into their “CREATIVE TRAINING TECHNIQUES?”. We commit to create the newest programs & training concept for professional trainer and training management development in China market.
DAP積極引入新的元素, 與美國The Bob Pike Group合作,引入了美國BPG CREATIVE TRAINING TECHNIQUES?系列課程,DAP致力為中國專業的培訓師及培訓管理者的發展提供創新的培訓技能和培訓管理理念。