johnson controls is a global leader in automotive experience, building efficiency and power solutions, founded in 1885. it was headquartered in wisconsin, employing over 136,000 staff in more than 1,000 locations,serving customers in 125 countries with sales of greater than us$32 billion annually, ranking 211 of fortune 500 global in 2006 ..johnson controls automotive experience group is navigating the global marketplace, and continuing to focus on making the driving experience comfortable, safe and enjoyable. our global customer is including general motors,volkswagen,ford,bmw, daimler chrysler,honda,audi, mazda, nissan,toyota and other world’s automakers. our customers rely on johnson controls for groundbreaking innovation, from the component level through systems design and integration, in order to achieve superior differentiation in their vehicles..with confidence of the increasing asia market, we are leveraging our global capabilities to grow aggressively in emerging markets. we currently have 33 facilities in 8 asian countries with more than 1,000 engineers and 29,000 employees providing interiors for 115 vehicle models. in china, where we have 10 automotive seating and interior joint-ventures in shanghai,beijing,guangzhou,changchun ,shenyang,wuhan,chongqing,wuhu, liuzhou and set up automotive technical centers in changchun and shanghai, we have the largest shares of the automotive seating market in china..guangzhou dongfeng johnson controls automotive seating co., ltd is a joint venture of johnson controls established on january, 2005. we currently produces seating assembly and seats mechanism components for china automakers, with sales of rmb 600million in 2006.the operation management is in strictly accordance with global operation system from johnson controls, complying with the principle of “people orientation “.the company had get the third party certification of iso/ts 16949, ohsas18000 and iso14000. .we rely on the unique contributions of various types of people from all over the world. people who join our team will find an organization that values them, treats them with respect, offer them an attractive benefit package, and constantly provides them with training and career development opportunities. welcome to join us to enjoy challenges and experience success! . 美國江森自控集團是一家多元化的跨國上市公司,成立于1885年。總部設在美國威斯康星州。江森自控在專業汽車內飾、設施效益和動力方案領域占據世界領導地位,擁有 136,000 多名員工,遍布 1000 多個地區,服務于125個國家客戶,年銷售額超過 320 億美元。2006年**財富500強位居211位。.美國江森自控專業汽車內飾部門正領航**汽車市場,致力于使駕車體驗舒適、安全和愉悅。我們的**客戶包括通用汽車、大眾、福特、戴姆斯克來斯勒,寶馬、標志、奧迪、馬自達、本田、豐田、尼桑等著名汽車制造商。客戶依賴江森自控公司的技術創新——從部件到系統設計和集成,使他們的汽車擁有卓越的性能。.基于對亞洲地區新興市場快速增長的信心,江森自控專業汽車內飾集團正調配**資源,力爭在新興市場中迅速發展壯大。至今我們已經在 8 個亞洲國家建立了 33 個設施,擁有 1,000 多名工程師和 29,000 多名員工,向 115 款汽車提供車內產品。其中,在中國建立了10家生產汽車座椅和車內產品的合資企業,廣泛分布在上海、北京、廣州、長春、沈陽、武漢、重慶、蕪湖、柳州等地,此外還分別在上海和長春成立了汽車技術中心。我們在中國的汽車座椅市場占據了大的份額。.廣州東風江森座椅有限公司是由美國江森自控專業汽車內飾集團在中國投資的合資企業之一,于2005年1月成立,主要為國內轎車整車廠家提供專業配套的汽車座椅,以及機械零件等汽車零部件產品。2006年年銷售收入近6億人民幣。公司嚴格按照美國江森自控**統一的業務運作體系進行管理,提倡“以人為本”的管理理念,已通過了ts16949質量體系認證、iso14000環境體系認證和ohsas18000安全和健康體系認證。.公司堅信人才是企業寶貴的資源,致力于為每一位員工提供安全舒適的工作環境,具有市場競爭力的薪酬福利體系,完善的培訓學習計劃,和具有挑戰性的職業發展機會。我們期待著愿意在一個開放性、多樣化、勇于創新的國際家庭中成就事業的人才加入我們的行列,與我們一起挑戰未來,體驗成功!