Dougu - leading IT consulting and investment company
Dougu is conceptualized in 2008 by a group of overseas-born Chinese professionals with management consulting and investment experience, and is formally incorporated in mid-2009.
The name Dougu has dual meanings. The first is based on a well-respected Chinese prime minister in ancient China – Dou Gu Yu Tu, who was famous for helping to groom great leaders of the next generations during his time. Our aim is similar – to groom and incubate new concepts into the leading internet enterprises of the new generation. Dougu has a second meaning, which is representative of the ability to thrive on challenges like the various successful internet enterprises in Silicon Valley.
The concept of Dougu is to create a vibrant incubator for new internet concepts in key industries such as education and healthcare. Dougu’s primary role is to act as the technical and investment partner and advisor for like-minded individuals, teams or companies. We invest time and resources including technical man-power into each new project, bringing them from conceptualization to implementation and fruition.
斗谷科技 – 創新的網絡科技公司
廣州斗谷信息科技有限公司在2008年已開始籌辦,而在2009 年中正式成立。創業團體包括了一群有魄力的有海外華僑人士, 引進了專業的管理和先進的投資理念。
斗谷的名稱來自于楚國著名人物”斗谷于菟”。 此人乃楚國建國功臣,春秋前期頗為先進開明的思想家和政治家,培養歷代君王成為賢君。斗谷的理念也是相同: 我們的目標是培養有潛力的網站概念成為新一代中國的網絡企業。斗谷本身還有另外一個含義, 就是代表我們擁有了在像美國硅”谷” (Silicon Valley)的激烈競爭里的企業一樣的”斗”志。
斗谷科技的宗旨是拓展新網絡概念的項目,特別在熱門行業如同教學和醫療。我們的配合方式包括技術和風險投資等; 我們的合作伙伴(無論個人,團隊,或企業)都必須和我們有相同的理念。我們都會投入適當的技術和資金以支援進入各自選定的項目,使它們可以有更好的發展。