廣州冠君服飾有限公司近榮獲國際品牌在大中華區的全權代理權,現正全國范圍內招募有志時尚品牌事業,有長遠明確事業目標和終極國際視野的人士加盟我們的事業團隊。 我們將共同分享公司價值觀,共同的戰略遠景,以及一路奔向既定成功目標的樂趣笑聲和挑戰。如果您是誠實,勤奮,富有激情和勇于自律的一員,并愿意在一個學習型并且尊重知識管理體系的真正以人為本的企業中共同成長,請馬上準備您的簡歷吧!
As an operating arm of one of the international leaders in high end consumer products, Guangzhou Guanjun has the great honour of being authorized a leading high end internional brand to explore and develop the most promising Greater China market. We are offering here, not a job but, an exciting career opportunity for highly motivated individuals who will share our vision, our values, and all the fun and laughters along with all the ups and downs towards our goals. We look for passionate, diligent, honest and self-disciplined members to team up in a real learning organization that values turely more of its people asset than of the machines. So, are you ready now?