我司與國內近30個大城市的工商AIC、技監TSB 及公安PSB等執法部門建立了良好的合作關系,為快捷及時的對制假售假分子進行查處取締行動提供了保證。
創業至今,已贏得一個穩定又開放的客戶群,其中多為國內外知名企業, 如聯合利華、資生堂、強生、歐萊雅、本田、日產、理光、諾基亞、中糧等等,遍及日化、通訊、電器、皮具、服裝、醫藥、糧油、電腦耗材、汽車配件、機械等各行業。在知識產權行內及執法部門享有盛譽。
Guangzhou HHC Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. is one of the IP firms officially authorized by the Chinese Government, specializing in conducting the IP related investigation and raid action and operating an anti-counterfeiting system in China, full of challenges and opportunities of communicating with multinational corporations and of protecting the IPR in the territory of China.
If you have a dream in a your heart, with enthusiasm to create, and with never ceased eagerness to learn, then welcome here.