公司成立于2010年11月18日,注冊資金6億元人民幣,由貴陽市工業投資集團和美國技術團隊強強聯手,同時與美國納斯達克上市公司、**知名的光伏和藍寶石設備商GT Advanced Technologies開展從設備、技術、研發到投資等領域的深入合作。采用目前國際上先進的藍寶石生長加工技術和設備,結合技術團隊多年的光學加工經驗和技術,生產大尺寸藍寶石晶體(平均重量110公斤)和襯底材料。公司總投資42億元,規劃于2014年11月全面建成達產,建成后形成年產3000萬片LED藍寶石襯底材料的規模,滿足2、4、6、8及以上的大尺寸高品質藍寶石材料的需求,廣泛運用在半導體、化工、航空、航天、國防、通訊等領域。
Guizhou Haotian Optoelectronics Technology Co. LTD (HTOT) is a leading provider of sapphire crystal, sapphire core, sapphire wafer and other crystalline products for light-emitting diodes (LEDs), silicon on sapphire (SOS), radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs), optoelectronics and other optical applications. The company is a vertically-integrated manufacturer from raw material, crystal growth to super polishing to produce very high-quality sapphire in volume production of various sizes and orientations of substrates and windows. The company's products and services provide its customers with large volume and high quality materials so that they can lower their cost of ownership.