廣州健德會計師事務所(GUANGZHOU GENDARME CPAs),經(jīng)廣東省財政廳第“粵財會【2007】5號”文批準取得《會計師事務所執(zhí)業(yè)證書》,于2007年2月在廣州市工商行政管理局登記成立。由中國資深注冊會計師、注冊稅務師梁明偉先生(國際注冊內部審計師、暨南大學MBA)等發(fā)起創(chuàng)建。事務所一直堅持“一切只為責任”的服務理念,屬下機構有廣州謹健策評財稅顧問有限公司、廣州市源海稅務師事務所有限公司等,協(xié)助各創(chuàng)業(yè)者、管理者提供下列務實、專業(yè)的服務:
Guangzhou Gendarme CPAs was approved by Guangdong financial and Account department( Reference to the certification document Guangdong Financial and Account 2007 No.5) and Guangzhou Commercial and industry administration bureau ( Reference to the registion document) and got certification in 2007. Gendarme CPAs was established by Mr. Liangmingwei graduated with Jinan University MBA who is CIA,CCPA and CCTA. Gendarme CPAs insists on the idea of "All is only done for the responsibility" Many Subordinate constructions such as Guangzhou Jingyan investment management and information company Ltd., Guangzhou Mingzhu Tax Agency Office were set up to help the entrepreneurs and professional managers on their works and supply all kinds of professional services to them.
Help corporation's setting up and getting certification
Supply managements for daily account booking and Tax application management
Supply Auditing for Corporations' income Tax Application and other Tax Application.
Supply Auditing for Enrollment Capital and the issue the Report of the Enrollment Capital
Supply Auditing for Accounting and financial Report and Issue the Report of Results.
Supply Analysis Report for Investment and corporation project after investigating .