9SPACES, Inc. is a U.S. Washington Sate based Corporation with offices in Bellevue and Guangzhou China. We are getting ready to launch a new China US Business portal this summer to help business people with information, education and connections –across vertical markets for doing business in China and U.S.
Meanwhile, 9Spaces has a variety of business connections with our clients in the United States and the demand for our oursourcing development has grown quickly.
9Sapces are looking for talented people to work on both fronts to grow our businesses in the United States and China.
廣州九緯計算機軟件開發有限公司總部位于美國西雅圖, 在廣州設有分部和研發中心。公司的主導產品為國際商務網絡平臺,向中美兩國企業提供現代社會商務聯系及商務關系網絡,同時為美國客戶提供信息咨詢和軟件開發服務。公司為員工提供優厚的福利和有競爭力的薪酬標準,以及的培訓機會。