Ocean Fashion Limited, a US based company in garment and textile trading, founded in China to oversee every aspect of product development – fabric selection, sourcing, fabric & apparel design, manufacturing, merchandising, quality control, shipment and customer services. We expect to have a turnover of 50 million US dollars in 2013.
Elites in garment field are warmly welcomed to join us to share the success.
Pls send your resume, personal photo to our mailbox: gzhr@oceanfashion
China Main office (Guangzhou)
Rm 910, Tian Hui Bldg.,No 69 Tangxia Chong Xi Lu,TianHe District, Guangzhou, China
廣州市天河區棠下涌西路69號 天輝大廈九樓910室。Tel:(020)38816868 Fax:38816868-888
Ningbo office 浙江寧波辦公室:
Room2710, NO.2 building,Shangdong Mansion, 1926 Canghai road,Ningbo,China
Yiwu office 浙江義烏辦公室:
Room 301, Unit 2, Building 2, Area F, Jincun, Yiwu,China
Shishi office 福建石獅辦公室:
Room 302, Unit 1, Building 16, Yangxia accessories market, Jinxiang Rd., Shishi .Fujian