歐邁家具集團創建于二00一年,是一家致力于辦公家具系列產品制造和銷售的專業性集團公司。歷經九年的發展,公司已發展成注冊 3080萬元,占地面積5.6萬平方米,員工800多名的集團企業,下轄6個制造廠和1個產品展示中心。形成了以廣州歐邁家具有限公司為主體,以歐邁實木廠、歐邁板式廠、歐邁高隔廠、歐邁屏風廠、歐邁轉椅沙發制造廠、歐邁型材廠及歐邁五金廠為組合的家具聯合實業集團公司。主要產品有實木系列、板式系列、屏風系列、高隔系列、沙發椅子系列、五金配件等產業結構形成集家具生產、銷售、國內外貿易、辦公文化傳播、辦公空間為一體的多元化配套性強的產業鏈。
OUMY in a professional large-scaled company specializing in researching & designing, manufachuring and selling office furniture since the 2001s .With 9 years of development, the company has developed into a registered capital of USD 4.5 millions, covers an area of 56,000 square meters, employs ,employs more than 800 group company. OUMY group has one showroom and six branch factories for wooden veneer products, high-partition system, wordstations,chairs & sofa series, melamine& laminate series as well as hardware accessories.