廣州歐升騰電子科技有限公司成立于2010年,位于廣州市海珠區,是一家專注于游戲機配件、手機配件研發設計和生產于一體型的企業。經過三年的發展,公司在消費類電子及游戲機配件行業具有一定的知名度和穩定的客戶群體。我們的產品已出口至全世界多個國家,銷售網絡覆蓋歐洲、美洲、東南亞、中東、澳洲等國家與地區,與國外多家業內企業建立了良好的合作關系。我們秉承著“真誠、求實、奮發、開拓”的企業經營理念與原則,以堅定的品質戰略和優質的客戶服務理念 為企業宗旨,提供的優質產品和貼心的服務營銷作為競爭策略,讓公司的產品線進行了縱深拓展,在游戲機配件行業開始多產品化的運作之路,讓全體歐升騰人感覺到企業無窮的生命力和歸屬感!
公司致力為員工提供有競爭力的薪酬福利:1、根據工作能力提供應有的薪資水平;2、為員工提供豐厚的獎金3、節假日為員工提供相應的聚餐活動;4、為每位員工舉辦生日PARTY. 5、根據國家規定,享有法定假期 6,每年省內省外旅游。
品牌理念:Oursteam, colorful your controller, colorful your life!
望您的到來,給公司發展更增添一道亮點,攜手共創美好事業 !你的能力,在這里將得到舞臺!你的努力,將在這里得到豐碩的回報!通過我們科學的管理、以及的服務,致力打造專業的團隊,真誠希望你加入我們的大家庭一齊共同進步共同發展!
Guang Zhou Oursteam Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd was established in 2010, located in Hai zhu District Guang Zhou City. We are dedicated to game accessories and phone accessories. With three years development, we have gained great reputation and regular stable customers in our industry. Our products have been exported world wide. And we have established very good partnership with many foreign sellers in Europe, America, South Asia and Australia. Our operation principle is Honest, Trust, Diligence and Exploration. Quality and Customer Satisfaction is our top priority. And with your help and support, OURSTEAM will become better and better.
Corporate Culture of Oursteam.
Brand Idea: Oursteam, colorful your controller, colorful your life.
Team Spirit: Respect, Communication, Cooperation, Share.
Mission of Oursteam: Focus on quality and Build up strong sense of happiness for our customers.
Perspective of Oursteam: To be the leading exporter in the industry of game accessories.