廣州群豪電子科技發展有限公司是一家集研發、生產、銷售醫療美容器械和工業激光切割雕刻設備的高新技術企業,專業 OEM 、 ODM 代加工.公司擁有經驗豐富的管理團隊與服務團隊,致力于向中國及**其他地區提供全面的激光醫學、光子美容設備,包括高性能的醫學美容設備、技術支持及**支持。公司不斷增加研發力度,擴展研發隊伍,至今擁有了強大的研發團隊,匯集了光、機、電以及醫學方面的高級專業人才,先后推出:Q光子系列、激光系列(Nd:YAG激光系列、(CO2)二氧化碳激光系列、氦氖激光系列、),射頻緊膚系列,負壓纖體系列等高新技術設備,產品涉及:強脈沖光(IPL),半導體激光,射頻(單/雙),負壓等技術,憑借其顯著的療效和卓越的功能,迅速得到國內外客戶的青睞。尤其是激光技術方面,公司已經達到國際先進水平,我們的產品已遠銷歐美、日本、韓國、東南亞等國家和地區,深受國內外用戶的好評和信賴,并與國內外多家美容院建立了很好的合作關系.公司完善了在設計開發、生產制造、檢驗試驗、客戶服務等方面的流程,進一步提高了管理水平,向國際化管理邁出了堅實的一步。本著“質量**,優質服務” 的宗旨,群豪電子正在以全新的面貌向前發展,群豪是您真正的朋友!
GUANG ZHOU QUNHAO ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO.,LTD. is a high-tech enterprise, which has comprehensive coverage on research, production, sales on medical aesthetical equipments&laser cutting .professional OEM,ODM processing. We have close cooparation with the leader of the cosmetology both at home and aboard.We company has many high-tech professional staff,senior managment,strong technical and perfect service to insure the products with good quality and compitiness. The company has presented high-tech equipments including Q photon series, laser series(such as laser of Nd:YAG、carbon dioxide CO2、 He- Ne), RF skin tightening series, Vacuum and shaping body series, etc., covering photon, ipl laser, semiconductor laser, RF(monopole/bipolar), Vacuum and many other advanced technologies, and has won considerable popularity on the market by its outstanding performance. Among these products, the laser product of the company has world leading technology and quality, Our products are exported to Europe, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, etc. and get good value and trust from domestic and foreign clients.The company has passed the quality system certificate, and improved the working procedures, which includes design and development, Production, test and service. The company gives stringent quality control to the production process meanwhile comprehensively analyzing and researching customer feedback so to improve the product quality at a steady pace. Following the principle of “strong technical and perfect service to insure the products with good quality and compitiness.”, we have implemented a quality assurance system to ensure satisfaction of customers.QUNHAO is really your best and reliable partner!