Agape Automotive Co,.LTD is a foreign company registered in China, with Branches in Thailand, Middle East and Latin America, our main business field is after-market spare parts for Mercedes Benz, BMW, VW and Audi.
Our markets span from Middle East to Latin America...with a wide reach in Asia as well.
We believe in the quality of our service and we always aspire to hire staff who are service oriented and capable of putting clients' need first.
Now we are expanding again, moving to a much bigger premises in Panyu area in Guangzhou. The company is ready to offer housing facility at the new location, which is 3 minutes walking distance from the office.
Contact us today if you are!
1. 番禺廣場地鐵站A出口往右走至番禺廣場公交站坐160到海傍村,過馬路往右直走即到夢都美工業園正門。
2. 四號線地鐵到石基或海傍站下,坐摩托車6元到夢都美工業園。
3. 公交車:在市橋汽車站坐148到海傍村站,過馬路往右直走即到夢都美工業園正門。