廣州市白云區同和興盛發五金裝飾材料商行,位于廣東省廣州市 。是一家專注家具五金配件生產及銷售的企業。企業成立于2003年,現階段擁有自己的工廠,展廳和國內銷售部,外貿部(興盛發五金制品有限公司)。
企業生產銷售的產品主要系列有: 抽屜鎖,鉸鏈,道軌,拉手,柜腳,螺絲,家具小五金配件等。企業旗下注冊的品牌有‘興盛發’,‘威斯朗’道軌,‘雅蘭迪’鉸鏈,產品的質量深受廣大客商、消費者的共同認可,在同行業中享有很好的市場盛譽,目前我公司的產品已遠銷全國各地。除了內銷之外,本公司也不斷發展海外市場。
X.sf ——the professional supplier of furniture hardware fittings and accessories. Since it was established in 2003, she specialized in designing, producing and marketing furniture fittings and Cabinet fittings. And goes into more than 50 countries all over the world and continually offers high-quality X.sf products to the customers from Asia, America, The Middle East and so on. X.sf —— Offer one-stop purchasing for furniture hardware. We supply 50 series of more than 10000 kinds of furniture accessories to our partners, We can not only let you experience “the pleasure of easy one-stop purchasing”, but also satisfy you with your personalized OEM needs for products innovation, and make sure the products quality meet the international standards.