廣州市豐碩進出口貿易有限公司是一家集礦山開采、生產加工、批發和進出口貿易的大型專業石材公司。公司依靠礦山資源,石材加工和大型施工經驗、本著“質優價平”、“客戶至上”、“信譽”以及“專業服務”的經營理念,使公司迅速崛起。在全國范圍內創建了多項經典工程。經營范圍有大理石、石英石板材、石英石臺面、花崗巖、砂巖、歐式雕刻、寺廟古建、園林景觀藝術和墓園產品系列等。我司石英砂生產基地位于中國六大石英巖儲藏地之一河南桐柏縣,這里有豐富的石英礦產資源,硅石品位含量達到99.93%以上,含鐵量僅在0.03%以下,耐火度1750℃以上,機械強度7.5,且資源優良、交通方便。我司工廠坐落于山清水秀的佛山市三水區華僑經濟開發區,廠區占地面積150000多平方,其中建筑面積達100000多平方,年產量在100萬平方以上。于2010年9月投巨資新增四條意大利全自動石英石生產線,產品色彩豐富自然,各種花色在同行中更具有獨創性,質量達到國際標準,行業同類產品志存高遠,銳意進取。廣州市豐碩進出口貿易有限公司擁有良好的人才資源管理、完善的生產設備和現代化的管理制度讓我們可以為每一位合作伙伴提供一條從設計生產到施工安裝等完善的服務系統!我們的目標是為國內外客戶提供更專業,更優質的服務,為民族石材生產企業做出更多的貢獻。公司秉著誠實守信的經營理念精益求精,嚴格選材,為客戶提供環保,時尚,健康的產品。公司產品遠銷歐美,日韓,中東,東南亞等地區,并在國內占有一定市場,深得客戶好評。我們以“誠信、責任、創新、卓越”的價值觀,構建顧客滿意的企業管理和服務體系。用“感動和驚喜”贏得客戶和社會的贊譽并將繼續領跑同行前位,輝煌閃耀于建材行業舞臺。 Guangzhou Fengshuo Import and Export Trade Ltd. is a one package service large-scale professional stone company which include quartz mining, production and processing, wholesale 、 import and export trade. We rely on quartz mining resources, stone processing and construction experience, in line with the business philosophy of "reasonable price", "customer first", "credit first" and "professional services" , we are growing fast and having created many classic projects across the country. The scope of our business are marble, quartz plate, quartz countertops, granite, sandstone, European sculpture, temple, landscape art, and cemetery products series, etc. Our quartz sand production base is located in one of the six big quartzite storage of henan orovince tongbai county of China. It is rich in quartz mineral resources, the content of silica grade above 99.93%, iron content below 0.03%, above 1750 ℃ refractoriness , 7.5 mechanical strength and excellent resources, convenient transportation. Our factory is located in Sanshui district, Foshan city which is the overseas Chinese economic development zone. The factory cover an area of 150000 square meters , the annual output is more than 1000000 square meters. We invested large sum of money in four Italian quartz automatic production line on September 2010. Our products have natural color and all kinds of different design is originality of the same industry. The quality has reached the international standard, and we have the leading edge of the industy. Guangzhou Fengshuo Import and Export Trade Ltd. has a good human resources management, perfect production equipment and modern management system enables us to provide each partner from a design production and installation of complete service system! Our goal is make the customers satisfied and provide more professional, more excellent service, and make more contribution to our national stone material production enterprises. Our products are exported to Europe, United States, Japan ,South Korea, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other regions, and occupies a certain extent market in China. We have got high praise from all the customers. We will continue to strive to be better and stronger.