公司簡介:.廣州市輝固技術服務有限公司 (簡稱:ftsgz)為珠三角區(qū)域的客戶提供專業(yè)、準確及**率的測試和咨詢服務。ftsgz為一所的檢測機構,建立有完整的質量管理體系,同時通過廣東省質量技術監(jiān)督局的計量認證審查(證書編號:2008190499z)及香港實驗所認可計劃認可(證書編號:hoklas 170)。.ftsgz乃輝固集團之成員公司,輝固集團是荷蘭阿姆斯特丹泛歐證券交易所(euronext)的上市公司,并為midkap指數(shù)成分股。輝固在**50多個國家開設超過275間辦事處,雇用超過12,000名專業(yè)員工。集團的業(yè)務范圍包括顧問、材料檢測、地質勘探、海事工程勘測及地球物探等多個范疇,并致力取得國際性領導地位。.ftsgz的質量方針公正、客觀、科學、有效、準確、及時、高質量的為客戶提供檢測服務。.我們的承諾是:以好的服務態(tài)度,以具效率的檢測服務,合理的收費和高的檢測質量,滿足用戶的檢測要求,并熱情地歡迎用戶提出寶貴意見。.網址:fugro.fugro.fugro.hk.fugro technical services (guangzhou) limited (ftsgz) provides professional, accurate and efficient testing and advisory services to clients in the pearl river delta region. ftsgz implements a quality management system complying with the requirements of iso/iec 17025 and is an independent testing organization which holds china metrology accreditation (certificate no. 2008190499z) issued by the administration of quality and technology supervision of guangdong province. fts is also accredited by the hong kong laboratory accreditation scheme, hoklas (registration no. 170)..ftsgz is part of the fugro group which is listed on euronext n.v. in amsterdam and is included in the amsterdam midkap index. fugro has approximately 12,000 staff permanently stationed in more than 275 offices in over 50 countries. the group provides a wide range of services including consultancy, material testing, onshore and offshore geotechnical survey and geoscience. fugro’s objective is to maintain a leading position in the market..the quality policy of ftsgz is to provide fair, objective, scientific, efficient, accurate, punctual and quality testing services to our clients..we are committed to providing high quality and efficient testing services at reasonable rates to meet clients’ satisfaction. your advice and comments are always welcome and appreciated.