凱潤國際是亞洲地區海空聯運來往北美洲,歐洲, 拉丁美洲, 澳洲進出口全面服務物流公司。代理網絡遍布了中國以及亞洲 歐美等地。亞洲至北美的物流服務是公司快速增長的經營板塊。
KIRIN TRANSPORTATION INTERNATIONAL Chinese Headoffice is located in Guangzhou Guangdong and the USA office is located in LA,CA .
KTI owns 'Class A' license , NVOCC license fm MOC and the qualified license from FMC.
KTI offer professional logistics services across Asia to and from Transpacific, Europe, Latin America, Australia for Air/Sea & Air-Bridge Service
With its owned network throughout the far east region to North/South America , Europe .
Especially we are today one of the fastest growing logistics solutions providers for Asia to North America area.
KTI is committed to ensuring customers’ needs for competitive rates and reliable services which is perfectly understood and met. We strive to deliver on that promise everyday.
KTI is devoted to evolving from a traditional international freight forwarder to a leading global provider of integrated supply chain solutions for a comprehensive range of industries since its establishment.