VIJU INDUSTRIES(NIGERIA)LIMITED始建于2004年,是一家華人投資的大型食品飲料生產企業,公司總部設立在尼日利亞拉格斯,在尼日利亞擁有兩個生產基地及一個占地面積400畝的大型工業園區。公司擁有多條乳品飲料行業先進的自動化生產線,產品銷往尼日利亞各大城市及地區,擁有尼日利亞乳飲料行業**品牌——VIJU,BBSTAR等.目前VIJU職工達到近4000人,擁有近百名中方高級技術人員及行政管理人員。VIJU致力于服務尼日利亞人民,為尼日利亞人民提供品質優良的乳品飲料。公司創立以來,曾多次獲得尼日利亞教育部,行業協會等多個部門的表彰,促進及帶動了尼日利亞當地的乳品飲料行業的發展。THE HEALTH FAMILY’S CHOICE,是唯久企業始終不變的宗旨與目標!
VIJU INDUSTRIES (NIGERIA) LIMITED, established in 2004, is a large-scale food and beverage production enterprise invested by Chinese. VIJU has its headquarter in Lagos, Nigeria and possesses two production bases as well as a large industrial zone covering 400 acres. With a number of advanced automated production lines in dairy and beverage industry, VIJU sells its products to Nigerian major cities and regions, and it has top brands that enjoy favorable reputation in this field, such as VIJU, BBSTAR, etc. At present, the number of VIJU employees reaches to almost 4,000, including nearly a hundred Chinese senior technicians and administrative personnel.
VIJU is committed to the health of Nigerian people and providing them with good and qualified dairy drinks. Since it was founded, VIJU has been repeatedly praised and awarded by the Ministry of Education, the industry associations and some other departments in Nigeria for its great contributions to the promotion and development of the local dairy and beverage industry.
“THE HEALTH FAMILY’S CHOICE ” will constantly serve as the top goal and mission of VIJU. As a leading dairy maker in Nigeria, VIJU shall make unceasing efforts to pursue every possible improvement.