United Nude成立于2003年,早的產品是Mbius鞋。自那時起,United Nude就將自己定位為融合設計和時尚的標志性品牌。United Nude的產品概念清晰,優雅大方,前衛創新。
United Nude 品牌由Rem D. Koolhaas和Galahad Clark創立,現已發展成為集合世界各地具有國際視野的創意人才團隊。United Nude是建筑師、設計師、編輯、攝影師和藝術家交流的中心。
United Nude在**40多個國家熱銷,在阿姆斯特丹、紐約、倫敦和廣州都有自己的旗艦店。
Brand history
United Nude launched in 2003 with the Mbius shoe. Ever since, it has established itself as an iconic brand at the intersection of design and fashion. United Nude products are about clear concepts, elegance and innovation.
Founded by Rem D. Koolhaas and Galahad Clark, United Nude has grown into a worldwide team of creative minds - a hub of interaction between architects, designers, editors, photographers and artists. United Nude is distributed in over forty countries with flagship stores in Amsterdam, New York, London and Guangzhou.