Pinsheng creates promising future with blossoming glory! As an excellent service provider committing to making enterprise visual image and serving many high-end customers for many years, we continuously adopt new processes, innovate and pursue perfection according to the requirements of customers to create a series of unique achievements and experience during the company development.
招牌是與公眾接觸的**印象,展示企業的獨特個性、產品定位與企業文化。在商業中有這么一句老話叫“賣招牌”, 因為招牌本身就是具有特定意義的廣告,招牌的好壞對于消費者的心理有一定的影響,它甚至會影響企業的經營效益。那么好的企業視覺形象與招牌是的設計與專業的制作的結合體,宛如煩囂城市里的一道風景線,讓藝術品般的高品質更能在公眾的心理烙下深刻的印記。
As the first impression given to the public, signboard shows unique characteristics, product positioning and culture of the enterprise. As the old saying in commerce goes, “use your signboard to sell your products.”. Since the signboard is a kind of advertisement giving particular implies, the quality of a signboard certainly influences the customer’s psychology and the operating benefit of an enterprise. Like a scenery line in the busy city, excellent enterprise visual images and signboards combine perfect designs with the professional production, which gives deep impression in the heart of the public with the high quality like artworks.
How does the perfect design show the high quality enterprise visual image through the professional production? For Pinsheng, we continuously adhere to strictly selecting the materials to guarantee the quality; keeping the production mentality like producing the artworks in the process; developing and strengthen the employee’s quality awareness and technology to control the quality; communicating the operating process with the designer at any time based on the standard of “fine workmanship”; and providing perfect products with cautious quality inspection and after-sales service. In our company, you not only gain a kind of product and service, but also it shows the culture of a feeling through the enterprise image signboard, which creates a greater value for the enterprise.
Pinsheng is always at your service to bloom glaring brilliance of your enterprise visual image!