廣州視聲電子科技有限公司(gvs)成立于1999年,是一家港資企業,注冊資本:1500萬港幣(hkd)。視聲公司是專業從事黑白扁平crt、彩色tft模組系列產品研究、開發、生產、銷售的高新技術企業,目前已成為安防行業同類產品**具規模的生產廠家之一,公司自有廠房4000余平方米,擁有專業的四個標準制造中心,公司嚴格執行iso9001:2000質量管理體系。.公司本著“以市場為中心、以效益為核心、以競爭為動力”的經營理念,為客戶提供專業的個性化產品。產品被廣泛應用于可視對講門鈴、可視電話、金融終端、醫療設備、車載視聽等領域,同時公司本著誠信經營的方針,連續多年被評為“守合同重信用企業”,“高新技術認定企業”,產品率先通過ce安全認證,并在2006年4月成功導入(rohs 環保)運作體系。目前公司擁有自營進出口權,產品遠銷歐美、中東、東南亞。并與三星、索尼等世界先進企業保持持久的業務往來,并與之廣泛開展技術與市場方面的全面合作。.從2004年起,視聲開始系統地引入管理咨詢業務,建立與現代企業接軌的管理體系,成功導入erp企業資源管理系統,并榮獲國家科技部頒發的“中國制造業信息化管理示范企業”和“2005年電子行業信息化應用典范”的稱號,在2006年導入pdm產品數據管理系統。.經過多年管理上的改進與變革,以及以客戶需求驅動的開發流程和供應鏈管理流程的實施,視聲具備了符合客戶利益的差異化競爭優勢,進一步鞏固了在業界的核心競爭力。.about us.guangzhou video-star co.,ltd. was established in 1999 , which was invested by hong kong investor with registered capital of hkd 15,000,000 . guangzhou video-star electronics co. ltd is a high-tech enterprise integrated with exploitation production, and distribution, specialized in black/white flat crt module and tft lcd module series. currently, the company has become one of biggest manufacturer in the field of safety protection in the world. company owns its workshop area of 4000㎡and four standard production lines, strictly comply with iso9001:2000 system. .the company insists the business idea that “market is center, profit is core, competition is power”, providing professional personalized product. products are broadly used for the range of video door phone, video phone, financial terminal, medical equipment and vehicle video . the company complies business policy of sincerity and reliance, is entitled as“ creditable enterprise” and“ high-tech certificated enterprise” for years, products been approved ce certificate, and successfully adopted rohs system in april,2006. the company obtains import & export license, products are well sold in europe, america, middle-east and southeast asia .keep permanent business relationship with samsung and sony, and cooperate with them on technology and market ..since 2004, video-star has started to adopt consultation management,set up modern enterprise management system, successfully adopt erp system, obtains the titles of “informational management demonstrated enterprise of china manufacture” and “demonstration of informational application of electronics industry in 2005 ,in 2006 adopted data management system of pdm..through management improvement and innovation for years, plus executing as per exploitation flow on customer’s requirement and chain flow provision, video-star possess competition advantage on meeting customer differential profit, which strengthens core competition in this fields. . .(為了確保您的資料能投遞到我們公司,請不要以附件的方式發送簡歷。)