Sarin Technologies 上銳先進科技有限公司
Sarin is the world's leading developer,manufacturer and marketer of advanced evaluation,planning and laser marking systems for every aspect of diamond and gemstone grading,planning and production.Sarin is widely credited as having revolutionized the gemstone planning process and the cutting factory.
Sarin was established in 1988 by members of the diamond and gemstone industry. In 2005, it became the first Israeli company to be listed with the Singapore Stock Exchange(SGX),due to its strong financial base and success in the highly competitive hi-tech world.
Sarin在對鉆石各方面進行評估、測量、激光劃線和寶石分級、設計生產方面是世界的開發商和制造商,并在分析測量工序方面享有良好的聲譽。珠寶行業的同仁在1988年創立了Sarin公司,其雄厚的經濟實力和在競爭激烈的高科技領域中取得的成功,使得Sarin 在2005年成為在**個在新加坡股票交易所上市的以色列公司。
Sarin公司提供優厚的員工福利,其中包括: 優厚的工資底薪,社保,一星期5個工作日和其他假期。