VITY公司于1987年創建于法國Caudan Lorient(Paris以西 500 km),目前擁有300多名員工。公司總部是VITY的技術研發和營銷中心,有30多位技術人員專門從事VITY產品硬件和軟件的研發工作。公司還與法國LAUDREN ELECTRONIQUE公司合作設立生產中心,目前生產中心有220名員工,并通過ISO 9001-2000認證。
VITY Technology is a French company specialized in the field of control and the house automation. It manufactures and distributes audio-visual products and of automation. The company is composed of 3 entities:
- The head office in France (Caudan)
- A subsidiary company in the USA at Denver: VITY THE USA
- A subsidiary company in China at Hong Kong: VITY CHINA
With 30 years of experiment, VITY Technology positions today like one of the uncontested leaders of the manufacture and the distribution of audio-visual products and safety. Universally present through our American subsidiary companies, Chinese and germans, as well as our many foreign distributors, we are also a company of proximity close to all our customers on the French territory.
Integrating five spheres of strategic activity: LCD for professional applications and broadcastes, Automation and house automation Media Control, professional video Interfaces, Safety and numerical PLV, VITY Technology has a very active research and development service on the automation products, the LCD and the interfaces Ethernet network. Distributor of large audio-visual marks (Kramer, RGB Spectrum, Xantech...) and of safety (VIDO, ID Teck, Dynacolor...), our company has a range of more than 1500 high products of range at very competitive prices. Energy of the simple cable to the most complex system of the house automation, our company is able to provide you the whole of the products answering a total solution in audio-visual communication and safety.
Always listening the professionals, VITY Technology goes beyond the marketing of products powerful and innovating by adapting in a relevant way its marketing policy according to your activity of wholesaler, retailer, fitter or prescriber. Moreover great competence of our various services (Technique, R&D, commercial and Marketing and logistics) the possibility gives of satisfying your need as well as possible: possibility of realization of products OEM and ODM, insurance of a very strong speed and effectiveness in term of service after sale, delivery under 24 hours in Europe and 3 days maximum in the rest of the world.
Many companies gave their confidence to VITY Technology. Among them, large chains of French television, Thomson, Dassault, Peugeot, great administrations... but also all the network of retailers, fitters (more than 500 in France) that ensures the distribution of all our products in France like abroad.
Like them, join our network and made the choice of the professional while making profit your customers from the most recent technological projections.