K2 Inc. is a premier, branded consumer products company with a portfolio of leading brands including Shakespeare?, Pflueger?, Stearns?, Sospenders? and Hodgman? in the Marine and Outdoor segment; Rawlings?, Worth? and Miken? in the Team Sports segment; K2?, V?lkl?, Marker?, Ride? and Brass Eagle? in the Action Sports segment; and, Adio?, Marmot? and Ex Officio? in the Apparel and Footwear segment. Shakespeare (Hong Kong) Limited is a subsidiary of K2 Inc. listed in NYSE and offers a challenging, high energy work environment with great potential for self motivated individuals.
K2 Inc集團有限公司是總部位于美國加利福尼亞州的一家跨國集團公司,是**大的運動消費品公司之一。其中包括水上戶外運動用品系列:Shakespeare?, Pflueger?, Stearns?, Sospenders? and Hodgman?;團隊運動用品系列:Rawlings?, Worth? and Miken?;體育運動用品系列:K2?, V?lkl?, Marker?, Ride? and Brass Eagle?;服裝鞋類系列:Adio?, Marmot? and Ex Officio?。莎士比亞(香港)有限公司是K2集團旗下子公司,產品涉及漁具、戶外用品、夏/冬季體育用品、壘球類、棒球類等,產品全部外銷。我司工廠擁有先進的設備,雄厚的技術力量,并為員工提供良好的發展空間和待遇。
(All information collected is for recruitment purpose only.)