廣州市優佳通信設備有限公司是荷蘭獨資公司,在中國已經有10年的歷史。 創始人Hermen van den Burg出生于創意設計大國——荷蘭。設計師出身的他獲得過多次歐洲設計大獎。 廣州市優佳通信設備有限公司從潮流預測、為世界的品牌設計產品開始,發展到現在擁有自己研發、生產、銷售個性潮流時尚的高科技手表手機的專業公司。BURG手表手機每季都會推出新潮的產品,受到歐美客戶的廣泛青睞,市場潛力巨大。
上班時間: 周一到周五 9AM-6PM
電話 :020-39950701 39950705
The BURG watch phone is the first and by far the leader of its kind as a result of thorough research and development processes done within the organization. BURG can guarantee its high quality standards as the watch phones are produced in BURG factories and have passed the audits of several large clients. In addition to regulating product advancement and quality, BURG maintains its position in the market by managing after sales. The BURG sales team maintains all contacts between BURG and the distributors. In doing so, we plan to quickly enlarge our consumer sales rate through three vehicles: BURG retail displays, BURG shops inside of retail stores, and stand-alone BURG shops.