雅仕度印度風味餐廳將成為集餐飲和閑休于一體的**連鎖餐廳,其首家餐廳在中國開業。雅仕度的目標是在全中國提供正宗的印度食物和就餐環境。.“vaastu”是印度的“風水”。此餐廳的設計與周圍環境和諧的融為一體。雅仕度餐廳的使命是給顧客帶來能滿足要類所有感官的就餐體驗,并成為廣州餐飲業著名的標志性餐廳之一。雅仕度餐廳除了滿足了解印度餐的內行人士的需求外,還同時以合理的價格給注重生活品質和健康的顧客提供優良的健康食物。.vaastu cuisine will set up a global chain of prestigious fine dining restaurants and lounges, and healthy fast food restaurants. the first restaurant of the chain is planned to start in guangzhou, china. vaastu targets to provide the most authentic and best indian environment and food not only in guangzhou, but in all of china. .‘vaastu’ is india’s ‘feng shui’. vaastu mission is to provide a complete dining experience that delights and harmonizes all senses. this restaurant is expected to become one of the famous landmarks on guangzhou dining scene. apart from delighting the connoisseur of fine dining, vaastu will also cater to the value and health conscious consumers with excellent and healthy food choices at affordable prices.