廣州豪箭服裝廠成立于2005年,座落于素有中國“牛仔之鄉”的廣東新塘鎮,主導服裝開發、生產、銷售,擁有“魔域劍,豪箭,怪娃仔,狂野騎士”等牛仔服裝品牌,是以品牌經營為核心的公司。擁有大型的現代化生產基地和世界上先進的電腦自動化生產設備與技術,其產品款式新穎,面料精美,工藝精湛,在行業內打造出了一把生產利劍。 “豪箭”作為公司的主打品牌,憑借其完善的質量管理體系和的品質,合理的產品結構,已在世界各地建立起了強大的銷售網點!
Guangzhou Hao arrow garment factory was established in 2005, located inGuangdong Xintang Town known as " Chinese cowboy town ". It is a company, which sets brand management as its core,playing a leading role in garment development, production, sales, with cowboy clothing brand " Magic sword, Hao arrow, Odd young,Wild knights "etc. It has a large modern production base and the world's advanced computer automated production equipment and technology.Their fashionable products, exquisite fabrics, exquisite technology, create good productive forces in the industry. " Hao arrow" ,as the company's hit brand, , has established a strong sales outlet all over the world, with its perfect quality management system and excellent quality, reasonable product structure.
Welcome friends from all walks of life to have a visit, guidance and business negotiation.