University of the Arts London (formerly the London Institute) is in a unique position to champion art, design and communications in further and higher education and their myriad contributions to the national economy and quality of life. “University of the Arts London is the jewel in the crown of higher education” (London Times).
The foundation of London Arts Academy (LAA) is fully supported by University of the Arts London and Chamberlain Educational Services Limited (China). The purpose of establishing London Arts Academy is to cultivate the students who would like to learn more western-style creative thinking in art and design by providing a good creative environment. With the influence of the world’s most creative and dynamic ideas in London, we hope that our student will develop their potentials in creative thinking in our academy, and we believe that with their utmost efforts in art and design, they will create the world’s most celebrated brands in China, and that would drive the developments of the economy and culture in China.
倫敦被譽為世界時尚、設計、媒體、流行服裝與藝術之都。作為歐洲大的、覆蓋面廣的藝術大學 – 倫敦藝術大學(前稱倫敦學院)以其在藝術、設計及傳媒方面的無數貢獻使其在藝術界和教育界享有崇高的地位。它還被倫敦《泰晤士報》譽為“高等教育王冠上的鉆石”。
天麟海外藝術創意啟發中心(London Arts Academy, 簡稱LAA)是得到英國倫敦藝術大學的全力支持及由廣州天麟教育咨詢有限公司設立而成。本中心的成立是為了讓更多有志于學習創意思維的青少年,通過藝術設計去啟發思維,融入創意的環境和氛圍。為學生奠定扎實的藝術設計基礎,從而提高被世界著名藝術設計大學錄取的機會。
由于公司業務的開展,公司誠邀有志于教育事業及創意藝術設計產業的人士加入我們的專業團隊:website: arts-edu