Welcome Message
Guangzhou Wangziqianghong Child Products Co. Ltd , located next to Guangzhou Tianhe Olympic Sports Center, has been specialized in production and supply of clothes for babies under 6 China for the past 12 years. The company offers baby clothes, baby carts, body lotions, etc.
公司秉承著“呵護寶寶每一刻”的品牌理念,提供國際化品牌的質量,親民的價格,專業(yè)的服務。“萬仔仟鴻”旗下品牌有(丹蒂鹿、米蘭-卡蒂鹿),產品一向 以“健康、舒適、環(huán)保、時尚”為前提,色彩明亮和活潑童趣為主要風格,提供健康環(huán)保、自然舒適的享受, 時刻迸發(fā)品牌所特有的陽光向上和萌態(tài)洋溢的活力,充分展現(xiàn)嬰童品牌的100%專業(yè)和100%的關愛。
With our mission as “ care every second “ , we are committed to providing global brand quality with no compromised professional service while wide affordability from parents is equally important. Under “wangziqianghong” are “Dandy Deer and M.L-Kady deer l . “Health, Comfort, Environmental-friendliness, fashion “ are just inborn to every product we provide, bright color is coupled with happy childhood in every style, comfort is directly felt with healthy and original materials, Radiating energy and grow-up like sunrise is just unspoken. All that is because we commit 100% professionalism and 100% care
“ wanziqianhong” Differentiators:
品牌: 優(yōu)質齊全的嬰幼兒服飾系列(包括鞋與飾物)設計風格緊隨國內國際、優(yōu)良的做工,新型的生產工藝,讓天下寶寶穿出溫馨與時尚,感受貼身呵護。
Brand: High Quality of all clothes and ornaments must be resonating with global and domestic fashion dynamics. The very fine workmanship is evident and production process ensure that. Babies would just feel comfortable and look fashionable as they must feel without saying.
價格: 萬仔仟鴻志在用得到的高檔, 價格親近,讓年輕的爸爸媽媽買得開心,一直陪伴寶寶成長。
Affordability: Our products have to be affordable to many young parents until their grow-up,
面料: 全部采用有機、環(huán)保無毒的精梳棉原料,更適合寶寶嬌嫩的肌膚、呵護寶寶每一天;
Fabrics : All Clothes are made of combed cotton yarn which are widely recognized as organic, non-toxical and purely friendly to baby’s tender skin.
定制: 各種有趣的字母文字印花,可愛時尚的卡通形象、色彩明亮活潑的圖案,更有助于激發(fā)寶寶對世界的好奇與認知;
Tailorship: A wide variety of patterns in forms of interesting letters and words, lovely animations as well as colorful pictures, will help open the door of the world to babies.
Wangziqianhong, with honesty and credibility as foundation, is fully confident to establish long-term win-win partnership with customers, distributors, OEM/ODM clients. With our effort to treat employees as partners, we are proud of a highly cohesive and performing team to ensure sustainable development of our business. We sincerely welcome every Partner to join .