Cedar Zen Inc. is a Chinese-based firm that is focused on developing a California wine and food wholesale and retail center in Guangzhou, China—The Shops at Cedar Zen. It will be comprised of a wine center called Cedar Vine, a wine bar called Deodara, a whole foods super market known as Cedar Mart, an east-west fusion restaurant named Cedar Table, and a cafe, CedarSips. Cedar Zen brokers business relationships between Chinese-based distributors wishing to break into the California market and California-based companies wishing to capitalize on growing Chinese domestic consumption and demand for these types of products. Key to the company's success is that the firm provides an array of services to Chinese and American food and wine companies through a cooperative arrangement with its California-based subsidiary, Cedar Zen USA, LLC. These services include import and export consulting services, a direct sales channel to local Chinese wine and food distributors and customized retail services.
Cedar Zen provides commercial subleaseable retail space to both the California businesses and Chinese domestic distributors at its wine center. Additionally, Cedar Zen makes these products available for sale at its whole food super market and east-west fusion restaurant that it operates. Cedar Zen also engages the local public in a series of sponsored events designed to promote Californian wine and food culture in the Guangzhou metropolitan area.
美資喜達健來貿易有限公司(Cedar Zen Inc.)的核心業務是在廣州市發展喜達健廣場——一個以銷售加州葡萄酒和食品為主的批發零售中心。喜達健廣場旗下店鋪包括葡萄酒市場,葡萄酒酒吧,(食品類)精品超級市場,中西合璧私房菜式餐廳和美式綜合咖啡廳等。喜達健來為希望開拓加州葡萄酒市場的中國經銷商和希望打入中國市場的美國制酒商建立商業紐帶。公司生意成功的關鍵之一在于其附屬公司喜達健來美國有限公司(Cedar Zen USA, LLC)向美國廠商提供廣泛的進出口咨詢服務、的銷售渠道、以及依需而制的零售服務。