2017夏天,廣州悉地英才教育咨詢有限責任公司成立,將為1.5歲至6歲兒童提供純英浸泡式學前教育,采用國際學校課程體系,通過S(Science)、M(Math&Music) 、A(Art)、R(Reading)、T(Thinking)等趣味課堂使孩子帶著興趣求知,在求知中培養語感及語言能力。在學習技能的同時結合具有中國傳統優勢的生活教育,踐行仁、義、禮、智、信,培養孩子伴隨終生的良好生活習慣、心理情商及德行。?中心設置感覺統合場地,為孩子體能及感覺管理提供優越的活動空間,重視孩子身體發育及營養膳食,為孩子提供家庭式的食物選材及科學的營養搭配。我們的外籍及中籍師資隊伍均有豐富的幼兒教育專業背景及教學經驗,更引進多家興趣班合作機構,為2-12歲兒童提供優質的課外興趣課程。UniTalent Education Consulatancy Co. was founded in the summer of 2017. The subsidiary company, ?aims to provide outstanding preschool education for children aged from 1.5 to 6 years of age, by providing a complete immersion English experience programme supported by qualified native English speaking teachers. Through the use of teaching materials sourced by Teaching Strategies TM, we aim to implement an international curriculum throughout our programme. Smarthood allows our students to engage in an explore various areas of education such as science, maths, art, reading and also allows us to nuture and develop their critical thinking abilities. We have designed our classes to encourage are students to widen their overall curiousity, , language skills and natural intuition. These programmes also incorporate the traditional Chinese cultural education beliefs, focusig on teaching the importance of benevolence, loyalty, ceremony, wisdom and honesty. These skills combined provide the foundation for a lifetime of good habits, emotional intelligence and virtue. Within the preises of Smarthood, there is a sensory training room that is 100 square meters in size. This allows us to provide adequate space for our students' to further nuture their physical and sensory development. Here at Smarthood we understand the importance of "Healthy body equals healthy mind". With this ethos in mind, we ensure our students receive daily nutritious meals poviding home-style cooked meals using only selected premium ingredients and combined scientifically proven nutritional suppliments. All of our foreign and Chinese teaching staff have extensive early year educational backgrounds and previous experience working within this field of education. We also work in partnership with several reputable training schools in order to provide extracurricular classes for students aged from between 2 to 12 years of age.