2009年,MR DOG FAMILY公司指定廣州奕名服飾有限公司為“MRDOGFAMILY”( 哈萊士)高級男裝品牌的中國區唯一總經銷。憑借MR DOG FAMILY總部的優質管理及設計支持,公司組建了專業化的品牌管理及推廣團隊率先將“MR DOG FAMILY”都市時尚休閑系列推向中國市場。
In 2009, Britain MR DOG FAMILY Garments Co. Ltd. authorized Guangzhou YIMING Trade Co. Ltd. as their sole agent in China for “MR DOG FAMILY”, the brand of high-grade men's wear. By virtue of the quality management and design support of MR DOG FAMILY headquarter, the company established professional teamsof brand management and promotion and took init iatives to get their series of “MR DOG FAMILY” fashionable and elegant men’s city casual wear onto the Chinese market.
“MR DOG FAMILY”( 哈萊士) 高級男裝品牌采用歐洲前沿的產品設計理念、先進的國際品牌營運模式、世界級生產流水線的精益管理,品牌一經推出,即在中國一級市場獲得消費者的好評。
“MR DOG FAMILY” is a brand of high-grade men's wear with the Europ-ean frontier product design concept, advanced international brand operation mode and leanmanagement of world-class production line. This brand won praises from consumersof China's primary market once it was launched.
Brand Positioning顧客定位:25-45歲,追求品位生活,崇尚時尚文化的成功男士
Customer positioning: successful men that are 25-45 years old and pursue dignified life and fashion culture.品牌風格:MR DOG FAMILY (哈萊士)秉承意大利的文化內涵,時尚簡潔的設計風格,含蓄的展現時尚
Brand style: in heritage of Italy culture and simple and chic design style, MR DOG FAMILY helps show the unique personality of fashionable men in an implicit way.
Product positioning: fashionable Casual產品設計風格:高雅,舒適,精致的品牌風格與簡約,時尚的流行氣息相結合,在保持意大利文化底蘊的同時,傳承歐洲服飾的精湛工藝,配以世界頂級優質面料,設計出時尚的休閑男裝。
Design style: combining the brand style of elegance, comfort and delicacy with the prevalent concept of being si
-mple and chic, designing fashionable and elegant men's casual wear with masterful techniques of European costumes and top-level quality materials while preserving the Italy culture.