Introducing the technology out of Australia in 2002, Airestec has since established itself as a market leader in providing the state-of-the-art technology to offer The Only Complete Systematic De-Contamination and Treatment on HVAC systems to prevent proliferation of bio-film(jelly), bacteria, fungal, mould and algae with a 12 months guarantee and to enhance and improve Indoor Air Quaity (IAQ) to some of the biggest corporations in the world and across a diverse range of industries, including airprts, trains, ships, oil&gas, cool rooms, pharmaceutical, hotels, hospitals,government buildings,shopping complexes, chain stores, universities, laboratories, etc.
With the development and success of Airestec, the company has expanded its operations to countries including Singapore,Hong Kong, Macau.2010 January,Aierestec and Yashi came into china.