貴州中竹新宇竹業有限公司位于中國 “十大竹鄉”之一的貴州省赤水市,由原赤水市新宇竹業有限公司和北京天富榮工程技術有限公司本著創新體制優化資源配置,實現跨越式發展,擴大國際市場,打造國際竹材企業集團的戰略重組而建立。公司占地55畝,員工300余人,其中專業工程技術人員98人,高級工程師15人。
公司憑借豐富的竹材加工技術與經驗,引進國內外先進技術設備和專業人才,與中外科研機構和高等院校合作,不斷開發新產品,形成以竹地板、全竹板式家私、竹門窗及裝飾材料、工藝竹筷、平壓竹砧板、圓立竹砧板、竹工藝品、竹集成材等八大系列280多個品種。其中35%的產品出口到歐洲、日本 、美國、俄羅斯、波蘭、東南亞等 17個國家和港臺地區, 并暢銷國內17個省29個市,成為西部大的竹材專業加工企業。
Guizhou ABWood Bamboo Industry Co., Ltd is located at Chishui Guizhou province, one of “ Top 10 Bamboo Town in China”. It’s formed merging by former Chishui Xinyu Bamboo Industry Co., Ltd and Beijing Tieforce Engineering Co., Ltd.
For building the worldwide bamboo enterprise, the company innovate on the systems and mechanisms and optimise the allocation of resources. Our company occupies factory area 55 acres and has more than 300 employees , including 98 technicians and 15 Senior engineers.
With advanced technology and rich experience in bamboo processing, our company introduce the foreign advanced technology, equipment and excellent professionals and cooperate with foreign research institutions and top universities. Consistently adhere to the business principle of “focusing on the corporate management and emphasizing the market promotion”, we have been developing new products. At present, our company has already formed the bamboo products such as flooring, furniture, decorative material, chopsticks, chopping board, handicrafts, glued laminated bamboo wood, etc. 8 major series and more than 280 varieties. 35% of them have been exported to 17 countries and regions as Europe, Japan, America, Russia, Poland, Southeast Asia ,Hong Kong and Taiwan and sell well in 29 cities, provinces and autonomous regions at home.
We wish to hold hands with the friend in bamboo profession to create the brilliancy together!