常熟海科機械有限公司(http://www.haikejx.com/ )座落于“中國無紡城”江蘇省常熟市任陽鎮,這里交通便利,無紡機械文化底蘊深厚。公司成立之初,我們意氣蓬勃,吸取中國無紡城各家之優勢;根據多年來市場的需求,專業設計生產玩具、家紡機械。我們以“求真務實”的態度抓產品質量,開拓市場。以“客戶的需求即我們的追求”為企業經營目標,努力開創海科機械美好的明天。
Changshu HITEC Machinery CO.; LTD is a professional toys machinery and textile machinery manufacturer. It’s located in Changshu City nearby Shanghai. We are developing the new machines as the customers request in the past years and adopt the others’ experenice both home and abroad. Our machines designed scientifically, durable, safety, energy-conservation. And we hope HITEC brand becoming more and more popular in demestic and oversea marlet!
HITEC company stuck the priciple of Quality paramount and service first, and also we make “satisfy the customer’s request” as our goal. At the starting of the company establisling, we are thanks for all of the people who pay eyes to us, and welcome all of the interested in home and abroad cooperation with us happly!