安平縣海澤金屬絲網制品廠安平縣海澤金屬絲網制品廠始建于1998年,廠部設在“中國絲網之鄉”——河北省安平縣城西王莊工業區。二十幾年來,我廠以嚴格的管理措施、雄厚的技術力量、先進的工藝設施,質量上乘、信譽至上為原則,歷經了市場的嚴峻考驗。金屬絲編織濾網按機械行業JB/T5979-92標準組織生產,該標準參照采用國際標準ISO4783/1990《金屬絲編織網——網孔和金屬絲直徑組臺指南——**部分總則》。金屬絲編織密紋網中緯絲聚密排列,采用平紋編織和斜紋編織方法。 我廠現擁有進的日本無梭織網機寬度2300 1600 1300八十臺,專業生產不銹鋼密紋網(席型網)原材料有日本阪口材質304,304L,316,316L優質不銹鋼絲,席型網規格 7/44目-500/3500目、過濾精度:350um—3um;現貨供應,品種之多,規格齊全,在安平號稱世界《席型網大全》之美名,不銹鋼網(方孔網) 規格 2目-635目,網孔25mm—0.022mm,產品廣泛用于機械、化工、化纖、石油、醫藥、橡膠、濾芯、科技、國防等行業的篩選和過濾等。產品銷往全國各地及歐美、東南亞地區。 我廠以“上乘的質量,低廉的價格”,得到廣大客戶的認可,海澤全體員工真誠希望在不斷追求和探索企業發展的道路上與客戶攜手合作、共同發展、互惠互利、立足現代、開創未來。 AnPing HaiZe Metal Wire Mesh Product Factory , is located at "the Hometown of Wire Mesh in China". Our company is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of all kinds of wires & wire meshes. Our main products are stainless steel wire meshes, Dutch wire meshes, crimped wire meshes, black wire cloth, brass wire meshes.etc. We sincerely hope to establish good and long-term business relationships with customers from all over the world. We can provide "high quality wire mesh with the best prices, perfect services and fast delivery". If you are interested in our products, please contact us as soon as possible.