湖北博克景觀藝術設計工程有限責任公司是湖北省風景園林學會理事會副理事長單位,企業(yè)擁有園林景觀規(guī)劃設計甲級、城市園林綠化壹級資質,同時也是澳大利亞BURO+HOLT Architects武漢代表處。博克景觀創(chuàng)立于2001年9月,在其創(chuàng)始人王衛(wèi)華先生的領航下,博克景觀現已成為湖北景觀行業(yè)具競爭力和影響力的知名品牌。
博克景觀歷來高度重視項目質量,于2006年率先在景觀行業(yè)內通過ISO9001:2000質量管理體系認證。公司施工項目“當代國際花園示范區(qū)及商業(yè)街”、“名都花園新六棟”、“紫崧楓林上城二期”先后獲得“湖北省園林綠化優(yōu)質工程”光榮稱號;作品華潤鳳凰城(武漢)更是榮獲由媒體《中國國家地理》和新浪網聯(lián)合頒發(fā)的“中國美麗的100個樓盤”稱號;2010年3月憑借其卓越的設計實力博克景觀獨獲“2009年華潤置地高品質合作伙伴” 稱號(景觀設計類)。
Hubei Poetic Landscape Art and Design Engineering Co., Ltd. is a enterprise with both predispositions of B-class in Landscape Design and A-class in engeneering construction. The company brings together dozens of experienced landscape designers, planners, machinators, architects and representatives from the plastic arts, architecture, gardening, sociology, ecology and other disciplines,to form a elite team of experts. With the right landscape and environmental aesthetics, and a keen grasp of the concepts in the project planning with unique creativity, the designers are expert at performming large-scale real estate development projects, tourist resorts, urban environment, roads, factories, schools, parks landscape design and engineering construction,ect.
The company is one of governing members of magazines like"Landscape Design" and "Chinese Garden" and so on, and it is a contractor of "Hubei Landscape Architecture". It is also the representative in Wuhan for BURO + HOLT Architects company of Australian. With our advanced design concepts of international ideologies, the elite designers are maintaining a high degree of interaction and cooperation with the designers abroad, and are insisting on the exploration of the creative ideologies in landscape architecture. The company is oriented to the idea of "Nature, humanity, and culture" for the design work, with the spirit of "realistism" to lead the development of the industry, to provide high level of landscape planning and design, engineering, construction services.